Posted By richards on August 23, 2013
This picture, submitted last month to the Herald/Review, was taken by Dawn Edmonds. It shows a beautiful scene captured while hiking up the waterfall in Carr Canyon.
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The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a Mainstream Square Dance on Friday, Aug. 23 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., with a plus tip at the end of the evening. Our caller will be Rick Gittelman, and Lisa Wall will be cuing rounds. Review starts at 6:45 p.m., for anyone who needs or wants a little extra practice. Only $4 for members, $5 for non-members, and free for non-dancers to come watch and socialize! Snacks and friendship are provided. Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 N. Lenzner Ave., Sierra Vista. For more info contact Sandy at 520-378-6719 or
American Legion Post 52, will host steak fry dinner Friday Aug. 23 from 5:30 - 7 p.m., cost $9 includes all the fixings. The dinner is open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and family. For more information, call 459-6050, American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Drive, SierraVista.
The August meeting of the Huachuca Astronomy Club will be held on Friday, Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. in the community room of the Student Union Building at Cochise Community College, Sierra Vista campus. The meeting is free and open to the public. A door prize will be awarded. There will be a presentation by Chris Ubing, the astronomy instructor at Cochise College. He will demonstrate planetarium software that can be used either with a computer, IOS or Android technology. The growing presence of smart phone technology allows us to demonstrate concepts in astronomy on computers and smart phones. He will review of some of the more common packages and how they may be used to enhance observations of the heavens and demonstrateconcepts.
On Saturday, Aug. 24, Sierra Vista Baptist Church is having a Awana Neighborhood Bash! It is open to all ages! This is a free event that will include free food (hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and popcorn), games, water slip and slide, mini horse and goat petting and feeding corral, and a movie. Please bring a swim suit and towel (if going on slip-slide), an appetite for food, and an attitude to have fun! It starts at 5 p.m. and goes to 8 p.m. The event will be at Sierra Vista Baptist Church at 215 Taylor Drive (directions are at our web site: or call458-2764).
Sierra Vista Lodge 2065, located 1 Elks Lane, is presenting a Mystery Rally on Aug. 24. It starts at the Elks Lodge. Last vehicle out 11 a.m. Last vehicle in 2 p.m. Follow the clues and find mystery objects. Prizes for- lowest mileage answering the most questions - high poker hand- low poker hand. BBQ after run. $25 per vehicle includes BBQ limit 2 people. All proceeds go to Elks Childrens Christmas shopping spree. For more information call458-2065.
The Cochise County Democratic Committee will celebrate its new location and honor volunteers on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 2 6 p.m., at 1234 E. Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista, across from Pep Boys store. Light refreshments will beserved.
The Friends of the San Pedro River will conduct interpretive walks along the river Saturdays at 8 a.m., on Aug. 24 and 31. All walks depart from the San Pedro House, 9800 Highway 90, east of Sierra Vista at the river. There is no charge for the walks; however, donations are accepted to support the docent programs. Dress appropriately for the weather, bring drinking water, trail shoes or similar footwear, a hat, and use sun protection. For more information, call (520) 459-2555 or visit the website
American Legion Post 52, will host breakfast Saturday Aug. 24 from 8 a.m. to noon. Open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and family. For more information, call 459-6050, American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., SierraVista.
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Around Your Town for August 23
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