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Syrian Refugees flee for their lives into the Gaza Strip – Video

Posted By on August 30, 2013

Syrian Refugees flee for their lives into the Gaza Strip Things are so bad for the Syrian Refugees that hundred of them have fled for their lives into the Gaza Strip which comes under regular Israeli bombardment. F..

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Syrian Refugees flee for their lives into the Gaza Strip - Video

Pope Gregory I and the Jews (This Week in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson – Video

Posted By on August 30, 2013

Pope Gregory I and the Jews (This Week in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson Pope Gregory I ("the Great") was one of the most influential Church leaders of the medieval period. His policy on the treatment of Jews in Christian Europe, ...


Pope Gregory I and the Jews (This Week in Jewish History) Dr. Henry Abramson - Video

Polish seminar in Israel 2013 – Video

Posted By on August 30, 2013

Polish seminar in Israel 2013 Video of Shavei Israel #39;s summer seminar for young Polish Jews in Israel, 2013. By: Shavei Israel

Polish seminar in Israel 2013 - Video


Posted By on August 30, 2013


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Panambi Jovhé – Israel, Heber y Perímetro – Video

Posted By on August 30, 2013

Panambi Jovhé - Israel, Heber y Perímetro By: javier carcamo

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Panambi Jovhé - Israel, Heber y Perímetro - Video

Fall festivals crowd the calendar

Posted By on August 28, 2013

Fall means festivals in the Kansas City area, and our festivals go a long way to trace our history and heritage.

Start with the American Royal, the 21/2-month homage to the citys days as a cow town. Other events recalling the areas frontier days include the Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival in Independence, the Johnson County Old Settlers celebration in Olathe, the Jesse James Festival in Kearney and Outlaw Days in Richmond.

Then you have celebrations of the folks who settled here, Irish, Greeks and Hispanics among them.

Many of the areas traditional products are the focus of other festivals, including apples, tobacco, spinach and chili.

And dont forget the blues, which will merit more than one area festival this fall.

Finally, you have the Renaissance Festival, a tribute to our 16th-century ancestors who blazed a trail across the prairie by storming castles and saving princesses. OK, so the Renaissance Festival doesnt exactly fit into the theme of Kansas City history and heritage. But that doesnt mean its not worth checking out.

Youll have plenty of chances to do just that. The Renaissance Festival opens this weekend to help kick off the fall festival season with a bang, and the annual event in Bonner Springs runs on weekends through Oct. 14. See story, Page 5.

The two other biggies this weekend are the Kansas City Irish Fest at Crown Center and the Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival. The Irish Fest runs Friday through Sunday; Santa-Cali-Gon Days runs Friday through Monday.

Most of our fall festivals follow the same general format as Santa-Cali-Gon Days a heavy dose of arts and crafts, plenty of not-so-healthy food and a variety of music with a dash of this and that. Other events focus on a single area primarily music, food or art.

They all combine to produce an autumn during which not a weekend goes by without a selection of celebrations.

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Fall festivals crowd the calendar

Man Converts to Judaism After Test from DNA Spectrum Uncovers Jewish Ancestry

Posted By on August 28, 2013

Phoenix, AZ (PRWEB) August 28, 2013

Until he took DNA Spectrums autosomal ancestry test, the Full Spectrum Plus, James Shoemaker from Berkeley Springs W. Va. had no idea about his heritage. He thought he was just an average American like his Appalachian neighbors.

Monday, The Waynesboro, Pa. resident met with Rabbi Ari Plost to prepare to formally convert to Judaism, and this Friday will be meeting with him again to begin mentoring another young man who is coming into the Jewish congregation. Shoemaker is now in Hebrew school and attends Bnai Abraham, a Reform Jewish congregation in Hagerstown, Md.

Although raised in a Pentecostal church, Shoemaker said he always felt a strong attraction toward Judaism. Last November, he went to his doctor and asked for a DNA test. I wanted to see if there was any Jewish ancestry, Shoemaker said.

But it wasnt the doctor who helped. Not until Shoemaker visited El Shaddai, a Messianic Jewish congregation in Frederick, Md., and a friend referred him to DNA Spectrum did he find out the truth.

I got all three ancestry markers for Jewish I, II, and III in the companys Full Spectrum Plus, Shoemaker said, so I went to see my mother, Jacqueline Rose, at the nursing home in Hagerstown, and she admitted, Well, yeah, my parents, they were both Jewish.

How did this test reveal the familys secrets? According to Paul Yates, CEO of DNA Spectrum, Taking DNA ancestry tests based on older science is like trying to paint the Mona Lisa without a smile. There is a mystery or surprise in every autosomal analysis. A first-generation DNA test like the Y-chromosome or mitochondrial can only follow the male or female side of the family, but our second-generation method uses autosomal DNA spread across all 22 non-sex-linked chromosomes to get information on your entire family history.

I am 53 years old, said Shoemaker. Mom never said a word about having Jewish ancestors. DNA Spectrums analysis turned my life around.

DNA Spectrum is a DNA testing company headquartered in Phoenix, with offices in Las Vegas, Nev., and Seal Beach, Calif. Its specialties are consumer genetics and unlocking the story hidden in ones DNA. Its cheek-swab tests are priced from $99 to $299 using DNA samples clients mail in from the comfort of their home, so no doctor or lab visits are required. This month, it is introducing myDNA safe, a cutting-edge and secure storage system for DNA that can preserve an individuals entire genome.

Media contact: Paul Yates 1-800-471-6164 press(at)dnaspectrum(dot)com

Continued here:
Man Converts to Judaism After Test from DNA Spectrum Uncovers Jewish Ancestry

Beware Al-Jazeera Coming to America

Posted By on August 28, 2013

By Shoshana Bryen

Al-Jazeera is breaking in with something we think is unique, and are confident, with our guts and some research, that the American people are looking for, according to its Americas president Kate OBrian. If she is claiming guts and research are among the qualities sought by American viewers, she may be right, although what puts Al-Jazeera uniquely in a position to provide either is unclear. In a article, Al-Jazeera political analyst Marwan Bishara worried that it would become too American, with too many American accents and watered down journalism hardly the stuff of unique guts.

The real concern for American viewers is not the quality of the product on the screen, but rather two mostly hidden issues: the government behind the network, and the difference between Al-Jazeeras Arabic and English versions.

To Americans, Al-Jazeera purports to be the equivalent of CNN or Fox or MSNBC an independent purveyor of news. Yes, Americans know that most media leans left and a little bit of it leans right, but the networks themselves are generally free of government manipulation. Al-Jazeera, however, is a wholly owned arm of the Government of Qatar. The State Department describes Qatar as an hereditary constitutional monarchy governed by the ruling Al Thani family in consultation with a council of ministers, an appointed advisory council, and an elected municipal council. (In other words, a dictatorship, and the switch from the elder Al Thani last month to his son this month may be no change at all.)

This is not CNN, but Pravda; not Fox, but Izvestia. When Americans watched Soviet propaganda masquerading as news during the Cold War, they were aware of its source and aware of its biases toward communism and against free markets and free systems. The British government openly and proudly owns the BBC, and while the corporations mandate is to provide impartial public service broadcasting, viewers know what theyre measuring against.

What should viewers know about Qatar that might impact how Al-Jazeera covers news?

First, Qatar is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. The elder Emir was the first head of state to visit Hamas, the Palestinian offshoot of the Brotherhood and an entry on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. While there, he offered Hamas $450 million. Separately, Qatar announced a $1 billion Heritage Fund to protect the Arabic and Islamic heritage of Jerusalem. Apparently there is no Jewish heritage in the city needing protection. Qatar funded Libyan rebels, many of whom were al Qaeda-related and who followed battle in Libya with the war in Mali. Qatar, in conjunction with Brotherhood-leaning Turkey, has spent $1-3 billion on Syrian rebels, with concerns that some part of more than 70 plane-loads of Qatari-supplied weapons found their way into the hands of the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al Nusra as well as Muslim Brotherhood forces.

Crucially, during the Egyptian upheaval, Al-Jazeera has been understood to be on the Brotherhoods side against the al-Sisi government. In July, 22 Al-Jazeera Cairo staff members quit, accusing the station of airing lies and misleading viewers. Former anchor Karem Mahmoud said there was biased coverage and the management in Doha provokes sedition among the Egyptian people and has an agenda against Egypt and other Arab countries. He added that the channels management instructed the staff to favor the Brotherhood.

To make its own preferred political point, Al-Jazeera has stooped to the sort of phony journalism that has characterized coverage of supposed Hamas injuries in Gaza. On Tuesday, Al-Jazeera ran a clip of a Morsi supporter with a bandage around his head and a blood-soaked compress on his stomach. The patient, however, forgot to let the local medic in on the scam, and as the bloody gauze is taken away and the bloody shirt lifted to treat the wound, there simply is no wound. The patient then lifts his leg and shoves the attendant away, irritated. The clip has more than 2.2 million hits on YouTube.

The second problem is that Al-Jazeera in English is not Al-Jazeera in Arabic. Historian Harold Rhode explains:

See original here:
Beware Al-Jazeera Coming to America

Posted By on August 27, 2013

The New Anti-Semitism - Holocaust Denial Anti-Israelism.

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Around Your Town for August 23

Posted By on August 23, 2013

This picture, submitted last month to the Herald/Review, was taken by Dawn Edmonds. It shows a beautiful scene captured while hiking up the waterfall in Carr Canyon.

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The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a Mainstream Square Dance on Friday, Aug. 23 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., with a plus tip at the end of the evening. Our caller will be Rick Gittelman, and Lisa Wall will be cuing rounds. Review starts at 6:45 p.m., for anyone who needs or wants a little extra practice. Only $4 for members, $5 for non-members, and free for non-dancers to come watch and socialize! Snacks and friendship are provided. Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 N. Lenzner Ave., Sierra Vista. For more info contact Sandy at 520-378-6719 or

American Legion Post 52, will host steak fry dinner Friday Aug. 23 from 5:30 - 7 p.m., cost $9 includes all the fixings. The dinner is open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and family. For more information, call 459-6050, American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Drive, SierraVista.

The August meeting of the Huachuca Astronomy Club will be held on Friday, Aug. 23, at 7 p.m. in the community room of the Student Union Building at Cochise Community College, Sierra Vista campus. The meeting is free and open to the public. A door prize will be awarded. There will be a presentation by Chris Ubing, the astronomy instructor at Cochise College. He will demonstrate planetarium software that can be used either with a computer, IOS or Android technology. The growing presence of smart phone technology allows us to demonstrate concepts in astronomy on computers and smart phones. He will review of some of the more common packages and how they may be used to enhance observations of the heavens and demonstrateconcepts.

On Saturday, Aug. 24, Sierra Vista Baptist Church is having a Awana Neighborhood Bash! It is open to all ages! This is a free event that will include free food (hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and popcorn), games, water slip and slide, mini horse and goat petting and feeding corral, and a movie. Please bring a swim suit and towel (if going on slip-slide), an appetite for food, and an attitude to have fun! It starts at 5 p.m. and goes to 8 p.m. The event will be at Sierra Vista Baptist Church at 215 Taylor Drive (directions are at our web site: or call458-2764).

Sierra Vista Lodge 2065, located 1 Elks Lane, is presenting a Mystery Rally on Aug. 24. It starts at the Elks Lodge. Last vehicle out 11 a.m. Last vehicle in 2 p.m. Follow the clues and find mystery objects. Prizes for- lowest mileage answering the most questions - high poker hand- low poker hand. BBQ after run. $25 per vehicle includes BBQ limit 2 people. All proceeds go to Elks Childrens Christmas shopping spree. For more information call458-2065.

The Cochise County Democratic Committee will celebrate its new location and honor volunteers on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 2 6 p.m., at 1234 E. Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista, across from Pep Boys store. Light refreshments will beserved.

The Friends of the San Pedro River will conduct interpretive walks along the river Saturdays at 8 a.m., on Aug. 24 and 31. All walks depart from the San Pedro House, 9800 Highway 90, east of Sierra Vista at the river. There is no charge for the walks; however, donations are accepted to support the docent programs. Dress appropriately for the weather, bring drinking water, trail shoes or similar footwear, a hat, and use sun protection. For more information, call (520) 459-2555 or visit the website

American Legion Post 52, will host breakfast Saturday Aug. 24 from 8 a.m. to noon. Open to all members, guests and all active duty service members and family. For more information, call 459-6050, American Legion Post 52, 12 Theater Dr., SierraVista.

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Around Your Town for August 23

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