Posted By richards on July 26, 2013
Brockway annual family reunion: noon Sunday, July 28, Fish Creek Rod and Gun Club, route 32 south of Victory. Mark, 260-9933.
Dave Brubeck memorial concert: 3 p.m. Sunday, July 28, Spa Little Theater, Saratoga Spa State Park, Saratoga Springs. Presented by Saratoga Choral Festival; program to include Brubecks rarely heard choral music for chorus, orchestra and jazz combos. $30, through SPAC Box office, at the door, or online at 791-0185.
Yaddo Garden tours: 11 a.m. Sunday, July 28, Yaddo Rose Gardens, 312 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs. Docent led tours are held on Saturdays and Sunday during the summer and on Tuesdays throughout the racing season. Meet at the main pond at the entrance to the gardens. Tours last approximately one hour and are $5 person. 587-8205.
Food for Fines: During the month of July, bring in any non-perishable food item to clear your late fees at Schuylerville Public Library, 52 Ferry St., Schuylerville. No canned goods. 695-6641.
Monday, July 29
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous: 7 p.m. Mondays, United Methodist Church, 175 Fifth Ave., Saratoga Springs. Meetings based on the 12 Steps every Monday night. No dues, fees or weigh-ins. Helena 584-8190.
Book signing: Selected Quotations that Inspire Us to Think Bigger, Live Better and Laugh Harder, Susan Stautberg and Saratoga resident Theresa Behrendt. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, July 29, National Museum of Racing, 191 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs. Proceeds from book sale will be donated to the museum.
Tuesday, July 30
S.T.E.P. Horse Kamp for Kids: Begins weekly, Tuesday, July 30 through Saturday, Aug. 24. Saratoga Therapeutic Equestrian Program includes hands-on mounted & non-mounted world of the horse, arts and crafts, farm field exploration, music. For registration forms and information call 374-5116. STEP at New Forest Equestrian. 374-5116 or email
Saratoga Senior Center book club meeting: 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 30, 5 Williams St., Saratoga Springs. F. Scott Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby will be discussed. 584-1621.
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Bulletin Board: Week of July 22-28
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