Posted By richards on July 25, 2013
Helen Thomas, who paved the way for female journalists in Washington and beyond and retired after saying Jews should get the hell out of Palestine, died July 20 at her home in Washington.
Thomas, who reported on every U.S. president from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama, working mostly for United Press International, died from what was described as a long illness. She was 92.
She was known for ending many presidential news conferences with the phrase Thank you, Mr. President.
Thomas began as a copy girl at the Washington Daily News before joining the UPI wire service in 1943. She started out covering the young Kennedy family, becoming White House Bureau chief in 1974, the first woman in the post.
In 2000, she left UPI after it was purchased by News World Communications, which was founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church. She was quickly hired as a Washington-based columnist for the Hearst Corp.
At a White House celebration for American Jewish Heritage Month in May 2010, Thomas was asked on video if she had any comments on Israel.
Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine, Thomas, the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, told Rabbi David Nesenoff of Remember, these people are occupied, and its their land.
Nesenoff asked where she thought they should go.
Go home, she responded.
Asked to elaborate, Thomas said, Poland, Germany, and, after more prompting by the rabbi, added and America, and everywhere else.
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Helen Thomas, pioneering journalist who retired after anti-Israel gibes
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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