US hails compromises already made by Israel and Palestinians – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
US hails compromises already made by Israel and Palestinians After last week #39;s announcement that peace talks are set to resume between Israel and the Palestinians, the US State Department has hailed the "compromise and... By: AFP
US hails compromises already made by Israel and Palestinians - Video
Netanya-Israel – Renewed Azmaut sq (4) 2013 ???? ??????? ????? ?????? – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Netanya-Israel - Renewed Azmaut sq (4) 2013 #1499; #1497; #1499; #1512; #1492; #1506; #1510; #1502; #1488; #1493; #1514; #1492; #1495; #1491; #1513; #1492; #1489; #1504; #1514; #1504; #1497; #1492; By: OurLifeFirst1
Read the original:
Netanya-Israel - Renewed Azmaut sq (4) 2013 ???? ??????? ????? ?????? - Video
Netanya-Israel – Renewed Azmaut sq (5) 2013 ???? ??????? ????? ?????? – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Netanya-Israel - Renewed Azmaut sq (5) 2013 #1499; #1497; #1499; #1512; #1492; #1506; #1510; #1502; #1488; #1493; #1514; #1492; #1495; #1491; #1513; #1492; #1489; #1504; #1514; #1504; #1497; #1492; By: OurLifeFirst1
See the original post here:
Netanya-Israel - Renewed Azmaut sq (5) 2013 ???? ??????? ????? ?????? - Video
Presbitero Israel Rocha na Igreja Fogo e Glória – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Presbitero Israel Rocha na Igreja Fogo e Glria By: Aurea Lima
Presbitero Israel Rocha na Igreja Fogo e Glória - Video
Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Jews United against Zionism Face to Face 07 06 2011 – Video
Posted By admin on July 22, 2013
Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Jews United against Zionism Face to Face 07 06 2011 Original uploaded on Jul 7, 2011 On the sidelines of Iran #39;s First International Conference on Global Fight against Terrorism, Ghanbar Naderi has interviewed ...
Excerpt from:
Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Jews United against Zionism Face to Face 07 06 2011 - Video
60 Terrorist Plots Since 9/11: Continued Lessons in Domestic Counterterrorism
Posted By richards on July 22, 2013
At 2:50 p.m. on April 15, 2013, two explosions went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. The brazen terrorist attack killed three people, injured and maimed hundreds more, and shocked the nation. Despite being long recognized as a potential threat by law enforcement and intelligence, few Americans had considered the use of an improvised explosive device (IED) on American soil. And, due to only a few, and relatively small, attacks since 9/11, the public was not in a state of awareness.
Yet, the fact remains that there have been at least 60 Islamist-inspired terrorist plots against the homeland since 9/11, illustrating the continued threat of terrorism against the United States. Fifty-three of these plots were thwarted long before the public was ever in danger, due in large part to the concerted efforts of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence.
The Heritage Foundation has tracked the foiled terrorist plots against the United States since 9/11 in an effort to study the evolving nature of the threat and garner lessons learned. The best way to protect the United States from the continued threat of terrorism is to ensure a strong and capable domestic counterterrorism enterpriseand to understand the continuing nature of the terror threat.
The bombings in Boston are not likely to be the last such attempt to attack the U.S. as a whole. Now is not the time for the U.S. to stand still. Congress and the Administration should:
In 2007, The Heritage Foundation began tracking post-9/11terrorist plots against the United States. Heritage continuously refines and updates the available information, and in light of the Boston Marathon bombing, is now including not only thwarted plots, but those that have been successful.[1]
In 2012, Heritage reported that at least 50 publicly known, Islamist-inspired terrorist plots against the homeland had been thwarted since September 11, 2001. The reality, of course, is that no matter how good a nations security and intelligence agencies are, they cannot prevent 100 percent of planned attacks. While there has not been a catastrophe on the scale of 9/11 in the past 12 years, terrorists have succeeded in attacking the homeland four times: (1) the intentional driving of an SUV into a crowd of students at the University of North CarolinaChapel Hill in 2006; (2) the shooting at an army recruitment office in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 2009; (3) the shooting by U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, also in 2009; and (4) the bombings in Boston.
Of the 60 plots, 49 could be considered homegrown terror plots. This means that one or more of the actors were American citizens, legal permanent residents, or visitors radicalized predominately in the United States.[2]
In each of these plots, the number one target was military facilities, followed closely by targets in New York City. The third most common target was mass gatherings, like the Boston Marathon, nightclubs and bars, and shopping malls.
Original post:
60 Terrorist Plots Since 9/11: Continued Lessons in Domestic Counterterrorism
Inhofe’s Roundabout Accusation of Hagel Holocaust Denial – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Inhofe #39;s Roundabout Accusation of Hagel Holocaust Denial By: Halil gnay
See the original post:
Inhofe's Roundabout Accusation of Hagel Holocaust Denial - Video
Syriangirl: Israel to benefit from a divided Syria – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Syriangirl: Israel to benefit from a divided Syria Press TV #39;s latest interview with Mimi al-Laham. By: PressTVGlobalNews
Read the original:
Syriangirl: Israel to benefit from a divided Syria - Video
Latest News Bulletin – Israel lobby at work on the New York Times – Video
Posted By simmons on July 22, 2013
Latest News Bulletin - Israel lobby at work on the New York Times Latest News Bulletin Watch English Arabic World News Headlines A New York... By: LatestNewsBulletin
Latest News Bulletin - Israel lobby at work on the New York Times - Video