Posted By richards on May 1, 2013
WASHINGTON, April 30 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama Tuesday declared May 1 a special day for Americans to think about loyalty to the nation and about its laws.
The president also signed proclamations declaring the month of May a special one for several other reasons: mental health awareness; physical fitness and sports; building safety; foster care; Jewish American heritage; Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders heritage; and older Americans.
Obama called Loyalty Day "an occasion that asks something of us as a people: to rediscover those ageless truths our founders held to be self-evident, and to renew them in our own time."
Each generation, he said, included citizens who strengthened our democracy.
"These patriots and pioneers remind us that while our path to a more perfect union is unending, with hope and hard work, we can move forward together," he wrote.
"Progress may come slow; the road may be long. But as loyal citizens of these United States, we have the power to set our country's course."
Law Day, he said, is a chance to remember we face the ongoing task of perfecting our laws to achieve equality for all.
"Opportunity remains painfully unequal for too many among us; justice too often goes undone," he wrote. "Law Day is a chance to reaffirm the critical role our courts have always played in addressing those wrongs and aligning our nation with its first principles."
He urged people to display the U.S. flag in support of the national observance.
When it comes to mental health awareness, Obama noted tens of millions of Americans live with illnesses such as depression, post-traumatic stress and bipolar disorder.
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Obama busy signing proclamations
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
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