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Anonymous_ Operation Israel – Video

Posted By on March 2, 2013

Anonymous_ Operation Israel Welcome to Operation Israel. Operation Israel has been initiated to help the Gazans currently being annihilated by the sadistic forces of the IDF. It has also been initiated to destroy the Israeli network and preserve the Internet for the Palestinians facing persecution by the Israeli government

Anonymous_ Operation Israel - Video

Hibernians honor Delaney, Roy and O'Connor during Irish heritage month

Posted By on March 2, 2013

LAWRENCE The theme of this years St. Patricks Day celebrations by the Rev. James T. OReilly Division Eight Ancient Order of Hibernians is 142 Years of Dedication to Religion, Heritage, Charity and Community.

They will honor these words when they present its 2013 Awards to three Lawrence natives two who are serving as men of the cloth and a lay man active in the community, through St. Patrick Parish and the Hibernians.

The Rev John Delaney, pastor at Sacred Hearts Parish in Bradford will receive the Richard Cardinal Cushing Award, and Francis A. OConnor Jr., will be named the 2013 Irishman of the Year at the Saint Patricks Day Dinner Dance on March 9 from 6 to 11 p.m.

Then, at the Hibernian St. Patricks Luncheon on March 15, Division 8 will present the John E. Fenton Citizenship Award to Brother Rene Roy of Central Catholic High School, for his distinguished community service to the greater Lawrence area. Both events will be held at the Lawrence Fire Associations Reliefs In, 1 Market St.

Delaney is a graduate of Central Catholic High School, College of the Holy Cross, University of New Hampshire and Tufts University. He entered Saint Johns Seminary in 1990 and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Boston in 1995.

Before being transferred to Bradford, he was on the ministry team at St. Michael Parish in North Andover. Delaney is chaplain to the North Andover Police and Fire Departments, Chaplain for the Saint Claire League of Catholic Woman and is on the Board of Directors of the Trauma Intervention Program.

OConnor, who works for the City of Lawrence, is a graduate of Lawrence High and St. Bonaventure University.

He is commissioner of the Junior High Basketball Program at St. Patricks Parish. OConnor leads the Chess Club for the Lawrence public schools and the Lawrence Public Library. He has been a member of the Hibernians for the past 15 years and serves as division historian.

Brother Roy, a member of the Marist order, is a graduate of Central Catholic High School, Marist College, the University of Notre Dame and Mary Grove College in Detroit. He entered the Marist Brothers in 1959 and has served the Marist community in various capacities as a teacher, vocation director, administrator and pastoral assistant in West Virginia, New York, South Dakota, Illinois and Rwanda. He has been working at his alma mater since 2005. Brother Roy is also active with the Lawrence Kiwanis Club and St. Monica Council Knights of Columbus in Methuen.

To order tickets for the banquet and dance, call Robert Gauthier at 978-686-2786 and for the Hibernian luncheon, contact Jack Lahey at 603-898-7766.

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Hibernians honor Delaney, Roy and O'Connor during Irish heritage month

Gidi Grinstein Comments on The Latest Situation in Gaza – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Gidi Grinstein Comments on The Latest Situation in Gaza Building Bridges Gateway program with our guest Gidi Grinstein, President and Founder of the Reut Institute By: Melis Bayrak

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Gidi Grinstein Comments on The Latest Situation in Gaza - Video

Bumper catch of Gaza rays sparks conspiracy theories: media probe beached rays ‘mystery’ – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Bumper catch of Gaza rays sparks conspiracy theories: media probe beached rays #39;mystery #39; The International media has gone into a feeding frenzy after seeing images of dozens of giant rays laid out on a Gaza beach, calling their appearance a mystery. However, footage clearly shows fisherman hauling the fish out of boats and butchering them for sale in Gaza City markets. By: JewishNewsOne

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Bumper catch of Gaza rays sparks conspiracy theories: media probe beached rays 'mystery' - Video

Tribute to the Israel Defense Forces – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Tribute to the Israel Defense Forces fighting for freedom, human rights and the survival of the Jewish State. By: TheTollundWoman

Tribute to the Israel Defense Forces - Video

We are not justified… by demonic spirits. Instead, we cast out all kinds of demonic spirits ! – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

We are not justified... by demonic spirits. Instead, we cast out all kinds of demonic spirits ! I am his Melchizedek Dr.

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We are not justified... by demonic spirits. Instead, we cast out all kinds of demonic spirits ! - Video

Free Palestine (Charlie Chaplin speech) – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Free Palestine (Charlie Chaplin speech) By: peace amen

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Free Palestine (Charlie Chaplin speech) - Video

Around Your Town for March 1

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Photos by Beatrice Richardson Herald/Review Craftsman Dave Brown, owner of Fine Wood Creations, worked on a mesquite spoon at the Feb. 21 Sierra Vista Farmers Market. Brown started woodworking about five years ago to make toys for his grandson.

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The VFW Post 9972 will have a catfish fry on March 1 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Catfish, cod and roast beef are on the menu. Cost is $9 per person, open to members and their guests. There will be live entertainment and karaoke with Dave from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. We are located at 549 Veterans Drive in Sierra Vista. Call 458-9972 for moreinformation.

The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a Mainstream Square Dance on Friday, March 1, from 7:30-9:30 p.m., with a plus tip at the end of the night. Our caller this week is Bill George with rounds by Lisa Wall. Only $4 for members, $5 for non-members. Snacks and friendship are provided. Sierra Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 101 N. Lenzner Ave. Sierra Vista. For more info contact Sandy at 520-378-6719 or

The Class of 2015 at Tombstone High School is sponsoring a fundraiser on Friday, March 1, from noon to 10 p.m. at the Panda Express restaurant in Sierra Vista. Family and friends are encouraged to attend and mention Tombstone High School when they order, to benefit theclass.

On March 2, CANTER(Cochise Area Network of Therapeutic Equestrian Resources) a 501(c)(3) charity that provides therapeutic riding for those with disabilities, is holding a fund raising dinner dance, Hearts and Horses at the Elks Lodge in Sierra Vista. The night out will include dinner, dancing, and a silent auction. Music is by Sally and Clayton. To buy your $40 ticket please call Marcia at 459-4868 or Sherry at 378-2201. Check us out

Cancer benefit bike night will be March 2 at Buddys Bar in Whetstone, beginning at 3 p.m. There will be live music, and a bike contest and a body art contest will take place, as well as auctions. Admission is a $10 donation. Help Ms. Cochise County and the American Cancer Society fight cancer. For more information, go

Fairbank Historic Townsite will be the site of 1,000 years of history featured on March 2 with the annual Fairbank Day sponsored by the Friends of the San Pedro River. Fairbank is between Whetstone and Tombstone on Highway 82, on the east side of the San Pedro River. For a complete listing of events please visit or call (520)508-4445.

The Friends of the San Pedro River will conduct interpretive walks along the river Saturdays at 9 a.m. on March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. All walks depart from the San Pedro House, 9800 Highway 90, east of Sierra Vista at the river. There is no charge for the walks, however donations are accepted to support the docent programs. For more information, call (520) 459-2555 or visit the website

The Friends of the San Pedro River offer history walks in March to celebrate Arizona Heritage and Archaeology Month. Join a trained docent on the first three Saturdays, March 2, 9, and 16. On March 2, tours of the Fairbank Historic Townsite on Highway 82 just east of the river are offered at 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. as part of Fairbank Day. On March 9, there is a short history walk at 9 a.m. to the Murray Springs Clovis Site a few miles east of Sierra Vista. On March 16, a longer history walk targets the Presidio Santa Cruz de Terrenate north of Fairbank. Call 459-2555 or visit for directions to these sites and furtherinformation.

Around Your Town for March 1

The Middle East – What Next? – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

The Middle East - What Next?

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The Middle East - What Next? - Video

Lady of Mime: Moving Forward – Israel Houghton – Video

Posted By on March 1, 2013

Lady of Mime: Moving Forward - Israel Houghton For booking engagements email: By: scorpionjess18

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Lady of Mime: Moving Forward - Israel Houghton - Video

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