harlem shake original – Video
Posted By simmons on February 23, 2013
harlem shake original Multidisciplinary School of Hadera in Israel By: #1512; #1493; #1503; #1488; #1512; #1494; #1497;
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harlem shake original - Video
Posted By simmons on February 23, 2013
harlem shake original Multidisciplinary School of Hadera in Israel By: #1512; #1493; #1503; #1488; #1512; #1494; #1497;
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harlem shake original - Video
Posted By simmons on February 23, 2013
Harlem Shake on Purim Harlem Shake Israel Style - It #39;s Purim!!! By: Alligator932
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Harlem Shake on Purim - Video
Posted By richards on February 23, 2013
Thats whats happening in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, known in Hebrew as Shimon Ha Tzadik, where Palestinian Nabil Al-Kurd and his family share a house with a Jewish family originally from Brooklyn, New York.
It's not a happy coexistence.
Nabils mother, now in her 90s, moved into the house shortly after she had to flee her hometown of Haifa, at the outbreak of the first Arab-Israeli war, in 1948.
The Jewish family moved into the house in 2009, and today lives in three rooms of the house. Al-Kurd, a 68-year-old business owner, and 11 other members of his family live in the other four rooms, in the back.
This bizarre story of real estate and conflict began when Al-Kurd, according to his retelling, decided to do some work on the house.
Over 10 years ago I expanded my house, in order to live more comfortably with my wife and sons. But I did it without a building permit, as it had been difficult to get one, he said.
So, as soon as work was finished, an Israeli court fined me, stating also that I hadnt paid the rent for 30 years. So the judge confiscated the new construction and later entrusted it to the settlers, Al-Kurd explained.
Even though his family had been living in the house for almost 60 years, the Israeli court acknowledged the claims of the Jewish plaintiffs, who had sued claiming to be the original owners, before 1948, of the land the house was built on.
What resulted was an uneasy cohabitation between two families that hate each other. The Al Kurds, ranging in age from the patriarch Nabil to his youngest daughter Maha, 4, are sandwiched in a small space, and two sons sleep in the open outside. They enter and exit through a door on the rear of the house. The Jewish family who refused to be interviewed for this story has the rest of the house, and enters through the front door.
Often the father is the only occupant of the Jewish side of the house;his two teenaged sons sometimes visit occasionally, said Nabil Al-Kurd. Sometimes the Jewish side of the house seems to be used as a kind of meeting place or social club for settlers, with dozens of people coming and going, Al-Kurd added.
See the original post here:
Israeli, Palestinian Conflict: Unhappy Neighbors - Two Families, One Arab, The Other Jewish, Forced To Share The Same ...
Posted By simmons on February 22, 2013
Pourim en Isral Pourim 2013 in Israel. Video Tel Aviv By: misha uzan
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Pourim en Israël - Video
Posted By simmons on February 22, 2013
Paul Van Dyke - Ganey Taruha Israel 2013 By: Yotttyman
Posted By simmons on February 22, 2013
Israel Amador online Clases on line http://www.israelamador.com By: Israel Amador
Originally posted here:
Israel Amador online - Video
Posted By simmons on February 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic Home Garden Show - Hot Ticket 2013 The Tidewater Builder #39;s Association presents the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Home Garden Show "Sweet Inspirations" from March 1st - 3rd.
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Mid-Atlantic Home
Posted By simmons on February 22, 2013
Jesus At The Center - Israel Houghton (Cover by Srvia and Christine) Worshipping Jesus at Jacobs University Bremen 😉 JESUS BE THE CENTER OF OUR LIVES! By: MegaJesusMusic
See the rest here:
Jesus At The Center - Israel Houghton (Cover by Sárvia and Christine) - Video
Posted By admin on February 22, 2013
European Union leaders agree to one banking overseer (Second Coming Watch Update #261) European Union leaders agree to one banking overseer. According to United Press International, European Union leaders agreed to create a single banking overseer for the eurozone that could aid ailing banks. The European Central Bank was put into the framework as the region-wide banking supervisor, formalizing an arrangement the leaders agreed to at a summit meeting in late June
See the original post here:
European Union leaders agree to one banking overseer (Second Coming Watch Update #261) - Video
Posted By admin on February 22, 2013
Standing Resilient in Israel- Promo #39;Standing Resilient in Israel #39; The Sderot Media Center For the Western Negev here in presents its 17 minute film documentary, prepared over the period of two years, which captures the human stories of six residents of Southern Israel who suddenly became terror victims overnight. Their lives were changed forever by the aerial attacks launched by the Hamas regime in Gaza. This short film portrays the human faces of these six people under fire
Here is the original post:
Standing Resilient in Israel- Promo - Video