Ten best lies of Black history
Posted By richards on February 11, 2013
11th February 2013 0 Comments
(Special to the NNPA from The Final Call) In this special month devoted to our history, The Final Call explores some of the most outrageous and false stories, accounts, and sentimental tales commonly told.
Lie #1 Whites were the first people on earth.
As long as Mendels Law is in effect whites can never be the first humans. This is the law of biology that asserts that white skin is recessive and Black skin is dominant, which means that two whites cannot produce anything darker than themselves. This is why ALL those seeking the origin of human beings start and end in Africa. Recent genetic tests by researchers at the University of Chicago have proven that a major genetic alteration occurred exactly 6,600 yearsexactly when Elijah Muhammad taught of the birth of the white race.
The scientists say that the selected genes, which affect skin color, hair texture and bone structure, were drastically affected at that very moment in time. Neanderthal DNA is far more often found in Europeans and Asians than in Africans. If Neanderthals predated ALL humans, their DNA would be MOST prevalent in Africans. But not only were they first chronologically, Blacks were also the first builders of Civilization. The Black-skinned Egyptians had reached a high state of civilization long before the Neanderthalwhose offspring yet wonders how and why the pyramids were builtemerged from cave life. The white-skinned nomadic Tamahu were a strange people to the Black Egyptians. They had no apparent skill except trouble-making. Little did the Egyptians know what their contact with the Tamahu would lead to.
Sources: Wayne B. Chandler, The Moor: Light of Europes Dark Age, in The Golden Age of the Moor, ed. Ivan Van Sertima, p. 156; Ivan Van Sertima, African Presence in Early Europe, p. 149.
Lie #2 Blacks in slavery were only cotton pickers and maids.
Blacks were desired so badly by White Europeans that they were willing to build thousands of ships over hundreds of years to sail thousands of miles over treacherous ocean to start wars with those Black people to capture them, bring them back thousands of miles to enslave them forever, to serve whites forever. Blacks had built civilizations on the African continent that whites hoped to build in America. A close reading of the newspaper advertisements placed by American slave dealers and slave traders shows that Blacks were skilled artisans and craftsmen at the highest level. It is easy to find ads by white people selling engineers, carpenters, mechanics, brick masons, nurses, blacksmiths, seamstresses, and bakers.
Blacks so dominated the building trades that after the so-called emancipation of 1863, it was said that if a white man were seen doing ANY of this kind of work, it would draw a crowd of gawking onlookers. Black slaves were on loan to build the Presidents House and the Capitol; Black slaves built the mansions that grace Southern plantations. Black slave laborers built Americas infrastructure, including its buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. Blacks built Americajust as they built the pyramids in Egyptand then gave civilization to the new man on earth, the European.
Sources: Nation of Islam, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2 (2010); Nation of Islam, Jews Selling Blacks (2010); Abby Gunn Baker, The Erection of the white House, Records of the Columbia Historical Society, vol. 16 (1913); William Seale, The Presidents House (1986).
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Ten best lies of Black history