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Books by Jews, Jobs for Jews, Jewish Apartheid – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

Books by Jews, Jobs for Jews, Jewish Apartheid Jewish "religion" mandates Jews give jobs to Jews as per Jewish Children #39;s book used widely in the USA. New World Order, as per David Ben-Gurion in his own words, one of the founders of Jewish occupied Palestine. Then of course there is excerpts of the 1981 book by Israeli politician Meir Kahane, a frequent visitor of Brooklyn NY and fund raiser for the Jews occupying Palestine, who boldly announced the coming of the Jewish Apartheid State of Israel that the US government has given billions of dollars in aid over the last 50 years.

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Books by Jews, Jobs for Jews, Jewish Apartheid - Video

Woman’s Club member earns another well-deserved honor

Posted By on January 24, 2013

Warm congratulations to my friend and Miami Womans Club sister Dolly MacIntyre, who will be honored as the clubs Historian of the Year for 2013 on Tuesday at the monthly luncheon meeting.

Dolly has been a resident of Miami for 56 years. She began her involvement with local history and historic preservation in 1966. She is a kind and unassuming woman who goes about doing good works without blowing her own horn and she is a highly acclaimed activist for historic preservation and the recipient of numerous awards for dedicated service.

In 2012, she received the Mary Call Darby Collins Award from the state of Florida for her preservation work. Early on, she became a charter member of the Villagers and founding president of the Dade Heritage Trust, and today she remains active in both organizations.

Dolly is a lonttime member and past officer of the MWC, the Womans Club of Coconut Grove, the Dade County Federation of Womens Clubs and the Womens History Coalition. In addition, she is a board and committee member of many community organizations.

The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. with networking, with lunch and the program to follow at noon in the Ballroom of the Doubletree Grand Hotel, 1717 N. Bayshore Dr.

You can still make reservations and pre-order for vegetarian option by calling Nancy Smith at 305-891-3789. The cost is $25 for members and $35 for non members.

Retired FIU professor honored for book

Theres a lot to be happy about today. Howard B. Rock, Florida International University professor of history emeritus, recently was awarded the Everett Family Foundation Jewish Book of the Year at the 2012 National Jewish Book Awards. The award was announced Jan. 15 by the Jewish Book Council and was for the three-volume series City of Promises: A History of the Jews of New York of which Rock wrote the first volume, Haven of Liberty: New York Jews in the New world, 1654-1865.

Rock shared the top Jewish book award with Annie Polland and Daniel Soyer, who authored the second volume, "Emerging Metropolis: New York Jews in the Age of Immigration, 1840-1920", Jeffrey S. Gurock, who wrote the third volume, "Jews in Gotham: New York Jews in a Changing City, 1920-2010", and noted Jewish historian Deborah Dash Moore, who was the general editor of the project.

Rock, a Miami resident and member of Temple Israel of Greater Miami, also co-authored a history of New York Jewry. He taught American history for 36 years at FIU. His speciality is early American history to 1815, early American social history, the history of New York City, early American labor history and early American political history. In addition, he has published an/or edited five books, including Artisans of the New Republic, The New York Artisan, Keepers of the Revolution, The American Artisans, and A History of New York Images.

Woman’s Club member earns another well-deserved honor

My Cover of Mine by Kim Jaejoong – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

My Cover of Mine by Kim Jaejoong This is my cover with guitar to Mine by Kim Jaejoong~I really love Jaejoong oppa and love his song mine! ^_^ I know this is far from being perfect ..but hope you enjoy it anyway! Hila~ a cassie from Israel! By: hotaruhila

See the rest here:
My Cover of Mine by Kim Jaejoong - Video

FLL Senior Solutions Team 498 550 Points – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

FLL Senior Solutions Team 498 550 Points FLL Senior Solutions, team 498 from Israel.

More here:
FLL Senior Solutions Team 498 550 Points - Video

An example of the character of Mohammad salalahu alaihe wasalam SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

An example of the character of Mohammad salalahu alaihe wasalam SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE Tags: Onewaytoparadise Sheikh br Ustadh Abu Mussab Wajidi Akkari beard lahya "Let it Grow With a Natural Flow" prophet Muhammad Mohammed Islam Muslim Koran Quran ALLAH "bayyinah institute" "qalam institute" "salam studios" "young muslims" "ilmfest 2011" "twins of faith" "twins of faith Malaysia" "peace conference 2011" conference 2011 2012 2013 "quran weekly" "the deen show" "mercy mission" iera GPU "zakir naik" ris khalifahklothing "peace tv" icna mas convention "journey of faith" icnatv jimas yt:stretch=16:9 Imam Mukhtar Ash-Shinqitee Ash Shinqitee Sheikh Sh br Ustadh imam Assim Al-Hakeem al hakeem Omar Elbana el bana "Hussein Yee" "Yahya Ibrahim" Onewaytoparadise Ustadh Abu Mussab Wajidi Akkari Ibrahim Zidan Hamza Yusuf death Abdur Raheem Green Abu Usamah at thahabi Bilal Dannoun Murtaza Khan humor ibn othaimeen uthaymeen uthaimin bin baaz albani Shanqeetee The Daily Reminder Thedailyreminder TDR Dr Doctor Reda Bedeir zimmerinhere Mufti Ismail Menk MuftiMenkRox Imam Suhaib Webb "Suhaib Webb" TVSunnah The arrivals Sh Sheikh abu Taubah Tauba"day of judgement" fiqh "alkauthar institute" jokes lol Sh Sheikh Kamal El Mekki al makki funny "How to Give Dawah" dawah niqab debate TVSunnah misconceptionn icnatv "arise and warn" debate ilm knowledge Sheikh brother Hamza Tzortzis zortzis Philosophy Atheism "funny debate" "muslim christian debate" "The big debates" Sh.

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An example of the character of Mohammad salalahu alaihe wasalam SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE - Video

Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts How do courts render justice for Palestinians as residents of the Occupied Territories and as citizens of the State of Israel?

Excerpt from:
Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts - Video


Posted By on January 24, 2013

Q A: Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts Military Justice? Palestinians in Israeli Courts How do courts render justice for Palestinians as residents of the Occupied Territories and as citizens of the State of Israel

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Israel’s birds are over the Rainbow (Israel Kamakawiwo’ole) – Video

Posted By on January 24, 2013

Israel #39;s birds are over the Rainbow (Israel Kamakawiwo #39;ole) Israel #39;s Hula Valley is one of the great rest stops for birds in their migration from northern Europe and Asia to Africa and back again. Other videos in series: Aliyah (The Maccabeats) Ethiopian Jews make a home in Israel (Phillip Phillips) The anthems of the Middle East (Enya) Israel Provokes the Palestinians (The Clash) Who are the Palestinians?

Excerpt from:
Israel's birds are over the Rainbow (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole) - Video

Start of Drug Store, kicking hippy out

Posted By on January 24, 2013

Start of Drug Store, kicking hippy out anne frank is so hot start of drug store, then hippies get the boot and finishes with anne frank song By: Tyler Morrill

Read the original here:

Start of Drug Store, kicking hippy out


Posted By on January 24, 2013

A compilation of video content from the Palo Alto Weekly and Palo Alto Online staff.

Sports videos on

First Person: A conversation with ... Lisa Van Dusen interviews unique Palo Alto personalities in this one-on-one series.


VIDEO: Mitzvah Day in Palo Alto About 900 volunteers of all ages participated in Mitzvah Day Monday, Jan. 21, a day of volunteering activities for families to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jewish day of service. (Posted Jan. 22, 2012)

First Person: A conversation with Scott Sagan, Nuclear Disarmament Expert Scott Sagan, nuclear disarmament expert, Senior Fellow at CISAC and Stanford professor of political science, talks with Lisa Van Dusen about his life-long career in academic research, teaching and policy devoted to disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation. (Posted Jan. 20, 2012)


VIDEO: First Person: A conversation with the Stanford Tree Stanford grad Jonathan Strange talks to Lisa Van Dusen about what it takes to be the Stanford Tree, mascot of the Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band. (Posted Dec. 31, 2012)

VIDEO: A Holiday Posada Residents of the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park host a Posada for their surrounding neighborhood. The event is filled with music, food and a candle-lit procession re-creating Mary and Joseph's search for lodging in Bethlehem. (Posted Dec. 21, 2012)


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