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AF Project – Act ii Scene 4 by Orion H

Posted By on November 2, 2012

AF Project - Act ii Scene 4 by Orion H Eriella L A Project for English class~Ms.Villafane #39;s class. About Diary of Anne Frank.From:OrionAwesomeClipsViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:10More inEducation

Read more from the original source:

AF Project - Act ii Scene 4 by Orion H

Israeli Palestinian Confederation – Rafi Gassel for President – Video

Posted By on November 2, 2012

Israeli Palestinian Confederation - Rafi Gassel for President The Israeli Palestinian Confederation is holding it #39;s historic first elections beginning December 12th 2012. Raphael (Rafi) Tzion Gassel is running for the office of President. In this short video Rafi explains a little about the Israeli Palestinian Confederation as well as his vision for the future.

More here:
Israeli Palestinian Confederation - Rafi Gassel for President - Video

Jewish History Porject.m4v – Video

Posted By on November 1, 2012

Jewish History Porject.m4v From:Michal PaniryViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:03More inEducation

Originally posted here:

Jewish History Porject.m4v - Video

Radio: The other air war

Posted By on November 1, 2012

Posted: Thursday, November 1, 2012, 4:34 AM

A torrent of ads is flooding TV sets in the final days of Election 2012 -- and fact-checkers, reporters and pundits are poring over nearly every one.

But there's another, less-noticed air war.

Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and their allies have also unleashed a flood of radio ads, which usually get little scrutiny. Yet industry insiders say the radio spots actually could be more influential at this late stage, as the eyes of swing-state voters glaze over after months of near-constant television ads.

(Also on POLITICO: Listen to 10 presidential race radio ads)

Radio allows campaigns, super PACs and other players to tailor messages to specific audiences on issues that play to the base, such as gay marriage, mammograms and defense cuts. It also lets them roll out edgier ads at a relatively low cost, including a rap artist-backed spot about "disrespect" of Obama and one from a religious conservative group claiming that Obama denied America's Christian heritage during a visit to a Muslim nation.

Several industry sources said they expect spending on political ads for radio to set a record this year, though they cautioned that final figures are hard to predict because so much of the money is spent close to the election.

(PHOTOS: Final countdown to Election Day)

"There's less clutter on radio than on TV," said Evan Tracey, who founded a firm that tracks political ad buys, the Campaign Media Analysis Group. "It's a crowded room problem. Everybody's in the room yelling something different, and that's particularly true in the battleground states. ... In Las Vegas, there have been something like 73,000 political TV ads. That's a very crowded room."

Tracey, who teaches at George Washington University, called radio "kind of the original microtargeting and social media."

Read more:
Radio: The other air war

Prophecy In The News: Zionism Is Israel’s Struggle To Reclaim It’s Biblically Ordained Designation – Video

Posted By on November 1, 2012

Prophecy In The News: Zionism Is Israel #39;s Struggle To Reclaim It #39;s Biblically Ordained Designation Ezekiel 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.

Excerpt from:

Prophecy In The News: Zionism Is Israel's Struggle To Reclaim It's Biblically Ordained Designation - Video

Comment on The Choice: Obama For President,says The New Yorker by Jack

Posted By on November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

The New Yorker-October 29, 2012

The morning was cold and the sky was bright. Aretha Franklin wore a large and interesting hat. Yo-Yo Ma urged his frozen fingers to play the cello, and the Reverend Joseph E. Lowery, a civil-rights comrade of Martin Luther King, Jr.,s, read a benediction that began with Lift Every Voice and Sing, the segregation-era lamentation of American realities and celebration of American ideals.

On that day in WashingtonInauguration Day, January 20, 2009the blustery chill penetrated every coat, yet the discomfort was no impediment to joy. The police estimated that more than a million and a half people had crowded onto the Mall, making this the largest public gathering in the history of the capital. Very few could see the speakers. It didnt matter. People had come to be with other people, to mark an unusual thing: a historical event that was elective, not befallen.

Just after noon, Barack Hussein Obama, the forty-seven-year-old son of a white Kansan and a black Kenyan, an uncommonly talented if modestly credentialled legislator from Illinois, took the oath of office as the forty-fourth President of the United States. That night, after the inaugural balls, President Obama and his wife and their daughters slept at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a white house built by black men, slaves of West African heritage.

Obama succeeded George W. Bush, a two-term President whose misbegotten legacy, measured in the money it squandered and the misery it inflicted, has become only more evident with time. Bush left behind an America in dire condition and with a degraded reputation. On Inauguration Day, the United States was in a downward financial spiral brought on by predatory lending, legally sanctioned greed and pyramid schemes, an economic policy geared to the priorities and the comforts of what soon came to be called the one per cent, and deregulation that began before the Bush Presidency.

In 2008 alone, more than two and a half million jobs were lostup to three-quarters of a million jobs a month. The gross domestic product was shrinking at a rate of nine per cent. Housing prices collapsed. Credit markets collapsed. The stock market collapsedand, with it, the retirement prospects of millions. Foreclosures and evictions were ubiquitous; whole neighborhoods and towns emptied. The automobile industry appeared to be headed for bankruptcy. Banks as large as Lehman Brothers were dead, and other banks were foundering. It was a crisis of historic dimensions and global ramifications. However skillful the management in Washington, the slump was bound to last longer than any since the Great Depression.

At the same time, the United States was in the midst of the grinding and unnecessary war in Iraq, which killed a hundred thousand Iraqis and four thousand Americans, and depleted the federal coffers. The political and moral damage of Bushs duplicitous rush to war rivalled the conflicts price in blood and treasure.

Americas standing in the world was further compromised by the torture of prisoners and by illegal surveillance at home. Al Qaeda, which, on September 11, 2001, killed three thousand people on American soil, was still strong. Its leader, Osama bin Laden, was, despite a global manhunt, living securely in Abbottabad, a verdant retreat near Islamabad.

As if to intensify the sense of crisis, on Inauguration Day the national-security apparatus informed the President-elect that Al Shabaab, a Somali affiliate of the Al Qaeda network, had sent terrorists across the Canadian border and was planning an attack on the Mall, possibly on Obama himself. That danger proved illusory; the others proved to be more onerous than anyone had imagined. The satirical paper The Onion came up with a painfully apt inaugural headline: BLACK MAN GIVEN NATIONS WORST JOB.

Go here to see the original:
Comment on The Choice: Obama For President,says The New Yorker by Jack

ADL Targets Alex Jones!! – Video

Posted By on October 31, 2012

ADL Targets Alex Jones!! A news report posted on the San Mateo County Times website has linked Alex Jones to a man arrested with 145 pounds of dynamite in his home. Authorities claim the man is linked to the sovereign citizen movement

More here:

ADL Targets Alex Jones!! - Video

Trabalho Anne Frank – 8ºA – Video

Posted By on October 31, 2012

Trabalho Anne Frank - 8A From:BuenoGuiiViews:0 2ratingsTime:02:48More inNews Politics

See the rest here:
Trabalho Anne Frank - 8ºA - Video

What is The Illuminati and Freemasonry!? – Video

Posted By on October 31, 2012

What is The Illuminati and Freemasonry!?

Continue reading here:

What is The Illuminati and Freemasonry!? - Video

Palestine vs Zionism – Video

Posted By on October 31, 2012

Palestine vs Zionism Zionism is a political movement that was originated in the middle of the 19th century to establish a homeland for Jews. Theodore Herzel was the main leader and originator of the Zionist movement. Jews were influenced by many factors that led them to create this movement.

See the article here:
Palestine vs Zionism - Video

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