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C2CAM Lizard Man, Reptoids, and Mutilations Discussed Main Show Only – Video

Posted By on October 24, 2012

C2CAM Lizard Man, Reptoids, and Mutilations Discussed Main Show Only Coast To Coast AM - The Largest Up-to-date Coast to Coast AM Archive is here. The Coast To Coast AM late night talk show hosted by George Noory with Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Richard Hoagland, Rob Simone and John B.

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C2CAM Lizard Man, Reptoids, and Mutilations Discussed Main Show Only - Video

Rabbi Wein The old new anti Semitism, From the Crusades to Toulouse – Video

Posted By on October 24, 2012

Rabbi Wein The old new anti Semitism, From the Crusades to Toulouse Sinai Indaba is an annual Torah convention of the foremost international Jewish leaders and thinkers. See more at: Rabbi Berel Wein is an eminent historian, a distinguished rabbi and a captivating storyteller.

See the original post here:

Rabbi Wein The old new anti Semitism, From the Crusades to Toulouse - Video

Pathways in Jewish History #25 – Video

Posted By on October 24, 2012

Pathways in Jewish History #25 When Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Nihilism and Sex mix... Frankism and the end of Sabbatians. Time: 1726-1816 Presented by Udi DvorkinFrom:Christine O #39;BrienViews:3 0ratingsTime:01:27:00More inNonprofits Activism

Continued here:

Pathways in Jewish History #25 - Video

Town Hall Event featuring former US Ambassador to the United Nation, John Bolton – Video

Posted By on October 24, 2012

Town Hall Event featuring former US Ambassador to the United Nation, John Bolton Presentation by former US Ambassador to the United Nation, John Bolton. Event held on Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012 at the National Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia, PA, sponsored by Jewish Americans for Romney.From:Kevin SebeskyViews:16 0ratingsTime:23:33More inNews Politics

Originally posted here:

Town Hall Event featuring former US Ambassador to the United Nation, John Bolton - Video

Obama's Record on Israel a Hot Topic

Posted By on October 23, 2012

For Lynn University Students, a Front-Row Seat at Crucial Presidential Debate

Students Anne Marie Van Casterin and Aura Cruz spoke about the experience of having the final presidential debate at their university. Foreign policy was the main subject of the debate, though the candidates also discussed the economy. Even before the debate ended the spin began, from Republicans such as New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte and Democrats such as Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Israel Basketball Team Holding Tryouts in Davie

This is the fourth year that a pro basketball team from Israel is holding tryouts on American soil, right here in South Florida.

Billboards around South Florida imply that President Barack Obama has been bad for Israel helping to stoke a local debate with just two weeks left until the election.

One billboard, which shows an Iranian missile headed toward Israel, says Friends dont let friends get nuked and adds, Stop Obama!

"They simply are not telling the truth, Mitch Caesar says.

Caesar, who is chair of the Broward Democratic Party and is Jewish, quoted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak in defense of the president.

Barak "has said that the relationship between this government under the Obama administration and Israel has been at the highest, strongest level ever, Caesar said.

But celebrity Rabbi Shmuley Boteach said that Obama has been a very unreliable steward of the America-Israel relationship."

Excerpt from:
Obama's Record on Israel a Hot Topic

Maurice Mizrahi – The beginning of Judaism (Lech Lecha) – Video

Posted By on October 23, 2012

Maurice Mizrahi - The beginning of Judaism (Lech Lecha) This week #39;s Torah portion, Lech Lecha, describes the beginning of Judaism.

Read the original here:

Maurice Mizrahi - The beginning of Judaism (Lech Lecha) - Video

Ask Yael – October 2012 – Video

Posted By on October 23, 2012

Ask Yael - October 2012 This month Ardith asks, "I know the Hebrew calendar and the total number of days differs from our Gentile calendar which reflects our use of 6,ooo years. Do Jewish history books explain this?" Watch Yael answer this great question!From:IFCJ25Views:829 0ratingsTime:02:50More inNonprofits Activism

Read more:

Ask Yael - October 2012 - Video

Anat Hoffman’s arrest at Western Wall galvanizing liberal Jewish groups

Posted By on October 22, 2012

By Ben Sales and Neil Rubin October 22, 2012

1 out of 1

Other Media

TEL AVIV (JTA) -- Last weeks episode was hardly the first time Israeli police stopped activist Anat Hoffman while she was leading a womens prayer service at the Western Wall in violation of Israeli law.

But this time, police actually arrested Hoffman -- a first, she says -- and the incident appears to be galvanizing liberal Jewish groups in the United States and Israel.

In the United States, the Union for Reform Judaism called for a police investigation and expressed its dismay to Michael Oren, Israels ambassador in Washington. The United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism announced a global Shema flash mob for Monday -- a nod to the prayer Hoffman was reciting when she was arrested.

In Israel, the Israel Religious Action Center, which Hoffman leads, launched a petition to the Supreme Court requesting that the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which runs the holy site also known as the Kotel, change its decision-making process to include non-Orthodox Jews.

There is no voice around that table for women, for the paratroopers who liberated the Wall, for the variety of pluralist voices, Hoffman, who is also chairwoman of Women of the Wall, told JTA. We want to dismantle this body. If the Wall belongs to the Jewish people, where are the Reform, Conservative, secular?

For now, however, there is no grand coordinated strategy to challenge the laws governing Israels holy site, which bar women from praying while wearing a tallit prayer shawl or tefillin, or from reading aloud from the Torah. In a 2003 Israeli Supreme Court decision, those rules were upheld on the ground that local custom at the Wall did not allow for such practices.

So with Women of the Wall intent on continuing its practice of organizing a womens prayer service at the site every Rosh Chodesh -- the beginning of the Hebrew month -- another incident likely is not far off.

Read the original here:
Anat Hoffman’s arrest at Western Wall galvanizing liberal Jewish groups

Introduction on Hungarian Jewish History (Hungarian, English Subtitles) – Video

Posted By on October 22, 2012

Introduction on Hungarian Jewish History (Hungarian, English Subtitles) Hungary #39;s brief, golden age lasted from 1867 until 1914, during the half century of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Continued here:

Introduction on Hungarian Jewish History (Hungarian, English Subtitles) - Video

Law Book Review: The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History)… – Video

Posted By on October 21, 2012

Law Book Review: The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History)... This is the summary of The Holocaust The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History) by Leni Yahil, Ina Friedman, Haya Galai.From:LawBookReviewsViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:57More inEntertainment


Law Book Review: The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 (Studies in Jewish History)... - Video

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