Jewish Insider’s Daily Kickoff: August 9, 2017 – Haaretz

How Sheryl Sandberg, Natalie Portman & Howard Schultz cope with imposter syndrome | Intel completes Mobileye purchase | New Air-Krafts Have our people emailyour people.

Daf Yomi – The Jewish Press –

Photo Credit: Jewish Press The Longest Mesechta?

History of the Day School Movement in America (1880 1916) – The Jewish Press –

Photo Credit: Jewish Press Last months column dealt with Jewish education from 1786 to 1879. This month we deal with the years 1880 to 1916, a period during which several pioneer yeshivas were founded. The years 1881-1923 constitute one of the most fascinating eras in American history in general, and in the American Jewish experience in particular.

Renovation of Jewish seminary in Morningside Heights spurs protest over use of non-union labor – New York Daily News

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 9:01 AM When is it ethical for a Jewish institution to use non-union labor? Its up for debate. A renovation of the storied Jewish Theological Seminary in Manhattan has sparked a heated Rabbinical discourse among students, faculty and alums all using the Talmud as their guide.


Name of two works which have been preserved to posterity as the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools during the amoraic period, which extended from the third to the fifth century C.E. One of these compilations is entitled "Talmud Yerushalmi" (Jerusalem Talmud) and the other "Talmud Babli" (Babylonian Talmud). Used alone, the word "Talmud" generally denotes "Talmud Babli," but it frequently serves as a generic designation for an entire body of literature, since the Talmud marks the culmination of the writings of Jewish tradition, of which it is, from a historical point of view, the most important production

Myths & Facts: Archived Online Exclusive | Jewish Virtual …

The Palestinian Authority held a free, democratic election in 2005.

Jewish Timeline – a Brief History of the Jewish People in …

Jewish History Genesis 3761 BCE In the beginning God created the world and everything in it in six days.


The religion of the Jewish people (II Macc. ii.


Movement looking toward the segregation of the Jewish people upon a national basis and in a particular home of its own; specifically, the modern form of the movement that seeks for the Jews "a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine," as initiated by Theodor Herzl in 1896, and since then dominating Jewish history. It seems that the designation, to distinguish the movement from the activity of the Chovevei Zion, was first used by Matthias Acher (Birnbaum) in his paper "Selbstemancipation," 1886 (see "Ost und West," 1902, p.

Zionism: the End of an Illusion – CounterPunch

Photograph Source: Hossam el-Hamalawy CC BY 2.0 One of the oddest arguments made by self-declared friends of Israel is that anti-Zionism is a form of antisemitism. That assertion is comprehensible if the person making it believes that God Himself gave the Jews property rights from the river to the sea butTheodore Herzl and the founders of modern Zionism embraced no such belief. On the contrary, that movements largely secularized leadership defined Zionism from the outset as a form of ethnic nationalism a claim to the same right of self-determination as that asserted, say, by the Irish or the Serbs

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