Global Outpouring of Condolences for Reb Moshe Flood Social Media – – Good News

Posted By on June 7, 2024

Community leaders and laymen alike reached across social media platforms to express their profound grief and immense sense of loss over the passing of Reb Moshe Kotlarsky.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky was the kind of friend to my father that was more akin to brothers. I grew up going to his home in Crown Heights and attending the Rebbes fabrengen on Purim. He lived and breathed Torah and chassidus and was a devoted talmid to the Rebbe. He devoted his

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Rabbi Kotlarsky was renowned for his commitment to furthering the Lubavitcher Rebbe's mission of spreading light throughout the world.

Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet.

A remarkable letter for @Isaac_Herzog, President of Israel, to the family of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, recognizing his incredible contributions to the Jewish people.

As thousands and thousands gather on New York for his Levaya, the effects of his passing are felt across the world.

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We are saddened to learn of the passing of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky z"l, Vice Chairman of @Chabad's educational arm. Rabbi Kotlarsky's legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of the many individuals he impacted for the better. May his memory be a blessing.

Rabbi Kotlarsky 74 has passed away. A giant in chabad.A giant in klal yisroel. A giant in Chesed. Anyone who was privileged to meet Rabbi Kotlarsky went away remembering what it means to be a proud Jew.

The Jewish world lost a giant today and a pillar of our community. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, sadly passed away today. May his memory be a blessing. He was a Mensch to us all.

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky was one of the most influential religious and spiritual leaders of the world, seeing the expansion of Chabad to thousands of cities worldwide, directly affecting hundreds of thousands, and indirectly millions. His son is my rabbi who bar/bat mitzvah my kids

Today we bid farewell to a great friend and mentor, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky. Rabbi Kotlarsky was not only a guiding light for hundreds of Jewish communities worldwide but also a beacon of inspiration and leadership, and a source of invaluable support and guidance to me personally

Remembering Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, instrumental on expanding @Chabad centers around the world. Jewish families across thousands of cities in over 100 countries are eternally grateful for his dedication.

Today the world lost a giant. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, ZL, sadly passed away.

Rabbi Kotlarsky played a pivotal role in expanding Chabad's work for the Jewish people, tirelessly traveling all over the world. He touched the lives of all who had the privilege of knowing him and

Everyone dreams about changing the world, but few actually do.

Rabbi Kotlarsky was one of the few that actually changed the world.

Rabbi Kotlarsky oversaw the 6,000 Chabad emissaries operating 3,500 embassies in over 100 countries, and 500 college campuses.


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Global Outpouring of Condolences for Reb Moshe Flood Social Media - - Good News

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