Take One, Talmud to Go Bava Metzia 79 and 80 – Tablet Magazine

Posted By on May 21, 2024

Todays Talmud pages,Bava Metzia 79 and 80, hold a lesson about our responsibility to our faith hidden within a discussion about labor. Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin joins us to tease out this lesson. What level of responsibility do we have to the unchosen gifts that we have been given? Listen and find out.

Take One

Bava Metzia 79 and 80

Use your blessings, with Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin

May 17, 2024

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Take Oneis a Tablet Studios production. The show is hosted by Liel Leibovitz and is produced and edited by Josh Kross, Robert Scaramuccia, Quinn Waller, and Elie Bleier.Our team also includes Stephanie Butnick, Courtney Hazlett, and Tanya Singer.

Listen to theTestimonies Archive, a partnership between Tablet Studios and the USC Shoah Foundation, for eyewitness audio accounts from Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks.

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Take One, Talmud to Go Bava Metzia 79 and 80 - Tablet Magazine

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