Weekly Dvar Torah: Shavuos Reflections – CrownHeights.info

Posted By on June 15, 2024

Coming from Matan Torah, the profound event where we received the Torah and its timeless wisdom, we were gifted with 48 hours to contemplate and actualize its relevance in our lives. At the core of Torah is the pursuit of perfecting the world, following G-ds path to enact justice and righteousness. Its a blueprint for harmonious human relations, emphasizing Ahavas Yisroellove for our fellow beings.

When the Israelites faltered with the golden calf, Moshe Rabbeinu embodied the essence of compassion and advocacy. Moshes relentless plea for forgiveness in face of the Jews violation of the core essence of the Ten Commandments demonstrated his love of the wellbeing of the Jews over their adherence to the Torah that he just delivered directly from G-d.

Reflecting on the legacy of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, whose very name echoes that of the great Moshe who transmitted the Torah to us, profound parallels emerge. Rabbi Kotlarsky demonstrated remarkable parallels in his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the people he was in charge of their communal activities on behalf of the Rebbe, as well as all others.

As someone fortunate to have known Rabbi Kotlarsky since childhood, memories flood in of his infectious humor during camp dayshis antics as shmayonki or the laughter he effortlessly evoked with his radio broadcasts. Even amidst personal milestones, like his marriage, he remained dedicated to uplifting others. Always adorned with a warm smile, he served as a beacon of encouragement, a skilled mediator fostering peace in relationships and communities.

In my eyes, Rabbi Kotlarskys greatness stemmed from his personal touch. Despite his global responsibilities, he cherished every friendship, ensuring no one felt overlooked. I recall the time before my childs wedding when he expressed uncertainty about his attendance due to prior commitments. Yet, on the joyous day itself, he stood before me, his presence a testament to his sincere efforts to rearrange his schedule. In his pursuit of spreading the Rebbes teachings, he never lost sight of the individual, ensuring each person felt valued and cherished.

Rabbi Kotlarskys legacy transcends his earthly presence, leaving an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of crossing paths with him. He exemplified the timeless teachings of Torah, epitomizing Ahavas Yisroel in every interaction and endeavor. As we continue on our own journeys, may we draw inspiration from his profound love and unwavering dedication to making this world a brighter, more compassionate place for all.

Have a Shabbos of love and inspiration, Gut Shabbos

Rabbi Yosef Katzman

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Weekly Dvar Torah: Shavuos Reflections - CrownHeights.info

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