B’nai Sephardim Synagogue

Posted By on May 20, 2018

A Rich History

Nestled among 80 year old oak trees, B'nai Sephardim is Broward County's oldest and largest Sephardicsynagogue. Founded in 1970, it has grown to serve over 700 families in the community during the High Holidays.

Our congregation's history and heritage are rich and varied, as our members aredescendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

Though English is the first language of most of our congregants,it's not uncommon to hear Hebrew, Spanish, French, and Arabic being spoken, sometimes all within the same conversation.

We have an active Sisterhood, Men's Club,study groups, as well as social, educational, youth and singles' activities throughout the year.

Every Shabbat we provide a hot Sephardic style sit down luncheon and a youth program within a warm inviting environment.

We welcome you to be our guest and experience a Sephardic Shabbat with us. Please contact our office at 954-983-9981 or via email.

Our History >>>>

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B'nai Sephardim Synagogue

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