Cancer meets Talmud: Why do bad things happen to us?

Posted By on February 6, 2015

It may well be that random mutations occur, and this is actually what I heard before: Cancerous cells are always present in us. But in general they're killed by the immune system. So, I suppose that a well working immune system also helps to fight cancerous cells and this, too, can be influenced by our ways of life. It's not only about our personal decisions, but also about technical arrangements that we cannot escape. For example, the products of nanotechnology were on the market before some researchers began asking themselves if they could possibly be dangerous, when they enter the lungs as fine dust. But I understand that the study will be warmly welcomed by entrepreneurs and state authorities who want to free themselves from the responsibility they have concerning working conditions and technical products they put onto the markets.

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Cancer meets Talmud: Why do bad things happen to us?

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