Contents of the Babylonian Talmud – Come and Hear …

Posted By on August 12, 2015

These are the Sederim ("orders", or major divisions) and tractates (books) of the Babylonian Talmud, as translated and organized for publication by the Soncino Press in 1935 - 1948. The tractates available on the Come and Hear web page are provided with hot links.

The English terms in italics are taken from the Introductions in the respective Soncino volumes. A summary of the contents of each Tractate is given in the Introduction to the Seder, and a detailed summary by chapter is given in the Introduction to the Tractate.

There are about 12,800 printed pages in the Soncino Talmud, not counting introductions, indexes, glossaries, etc. Of these, Come and Hear has put about 8050 pages on line, comprising about 1460 files about 63% of the Soncino Talmud. However, this should in no way be considered a substitute for the printed edition, with the complete text, fully cross-referenced footnotes, a master index, an index for each tractate, scriptural index, rabbinical index, and so on. The sole purpose for the presentation of this text is to provide full context for the many things that are said and heard about the Talmud, and to invite further study.

SEDER ZERAIM (Seeds: 11 tractates)

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Contents of the Babylonian Talmud - Come and Hear ...

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