The Need for Studying Zionism, Critically – – CounterPunch

Posted By on June 15, 2024

June 9, 2024 by Susie Day

Emmaia Gelman.

Since 1897, Zionism has been the religious and political impetus behind what is now the nation-state of Israel, which, like the United States, is settled on the lives, land, and cultures of millions of Indigenous peoples. Although todays Israel began as a refuge for European Jews fleeing the Holocaust, Zionism long ago broke out of its moral constraints to become a formidable geopolitical force that demands study. Which is why, in late 2023 America, the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism was created. And why, because the Institute is fundamentally antizionist, its under attack for antisemitism.

susie day writes about prison, policing, and political activism. Shes also written political satire, a collection of which, Snidelines: Talking Trash to Power, was published in 2014. In 2020, her book, The Brother You Choose: Paul Coates and Eddie Conway Talk About Life, Politics, and The Revolution was published by Haymarket.She lives in New York City with her partner, the infamous Laura Whitehorn.

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Originally posted here:
The Need for Studying Zionism, Critically - - CounterPunch

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